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Hans Hammarskiöld (1925 – 2012) was one of the leading names in Sweden’s photographic history and his work is internationally recognized. He was active in most genres. For many years he worked as an industrial photographer, but was especially noted for his portraits. Hammarskiöld’s breakthrough as a professional photographer came in the 1950s when he worked all over the world.
During his lifetime he undertook varied roles and worked in most genres of photography. In the 1950s, for example, Hammarskiöld contributed to the fashion magazine Vogue.
Hammarskiöld was the last surviving member of the group Tio fotografer (Ten Photographers), which was influential in Swedish photography for decades as the illustrations agency Tiofoto.
In 2009, a selection of seventy of Hammarskiöld’s portraits was on display at the National Museum in Stockholm. His portraits were later donated to the National Swedish Portrait Gallery.
A survey of Hammarskiöld’s oeuvre testifies to his range as a photographer with a diversity of artistic expression. There are examples both of a conventional approach and of an experimental bent.
1925 Born in Stockholm
1949 Started off as a fashion and documentary photographer
1951 Married Caroline Hebbe who was also working as a photographer
1952 Visited New York where he met Irving Penn, Edward Steichen, W Eugene Smith and Richard Avedon
1954-56 Worked on the staff of Vogue and House and Garden in London
1958 Became a member of the Swedish group Tio Fotografer
1969 Began to work with multimedia
1970 Presented at ASEA company in Sweden the most extensive multimedia show in Europe, A perspective on techmique (40 Carousel projectors)
1989 Started to publish books with wellknown writers
One man shows
1956 The institute of contemporary arts, London
1979 Gallery Camera Obscura, Stockholm
1979 Douglas Elliot Gallery, San Francisco
1981 Stephen White Gallery, Los Angeles
1983 Nordens hus, Reykjavik
1984 Vision Gallery, San Francisco
1985 Bloomingdale, New York
1993 Subjektivt sett, The Museum of photography, Stockholm
2002 Waldemarsudde, Stockholm
2005 Skissernas museum, Lund, Sweden
2006 The Museum of modern art, Moscow
2009 The National Museum, Stockholm
2010 Kvarnen, Filipstad
2010 Galerie Argus Fotokunst, Berlin
2013 Fullersta Gård, Huddinge
2016 Galleri Flach, Stockholm
2019 Fabriken, Bästekille
Group shows
1951 Subjektive Fotografie 1, Saarbrücken and Köln
1952 Welt Ausstellung, Luzern
1953 Post-war European photography, MOMA, New York
1954 Modern Swedish photography, The National Museum, Stockholm
1955 Subjektive Fotografie 2, Saarbrücken
1955 The family of man, MOMA, New York
1957 The biennale, Venice
1958 Fotokonst -58 (Tio Fotografer group), Lund, Sweden
1970 Tio Fotografer, Biblioteque Nationale, Paris
1971 Tio Fotografer, Library of congres, Washington
1982 11 fotografos suecos, Mexico city
1984 5 Swedish photographers, Los Angeles
1994 Three generations of Swedish photography, Santiago, Chile
1998 Tio Fotografer 40th anniversary, Hasselblad center, Götebor
2008 Tio Fotografer 50th anniversary, Lund, Sweden
2018 Sthlm forever, Fotografiska, Stockholm
2019 A way away, Landskrona foto and Etnografiska museet Stockholm
1951 Värmland det sköna
1953 Stockholmskärlek
1955 Objektivt sett, (on photography, written by HH)
1959 Billa och jag (childrens book text and photos by HH)
1960 Lillasyster och jag (childrens book text and photos by HH)
1962 På riktigt och på låtsas
1978 Det levande slottet
1979 Hans Hammarskiöld, fotograf
1987 Storsudret – kring vast och täun
1993 Stockholms fasader
1993 Nära Linné (about the life of Carolus Linneaus)
1993 Subjektivt sett. Moderna museet Stockholm
1996 Fasader i Göteborg
1997 Stockholm- de fyra årstiderna
1999 Riddarhuset
2000 I Lejonets tid. Skeppet Vasa & Svenskt 1600-tal
2001 Minnets stigar (about Swedish cemetaries)
2003 En gång i Sverige (about life in Sweden in 18th and 19th cent.)
2004 Resa i tysta rum (about old libraries)
2005 Pål Svensson skulptör
2007 Villovägar
2008 Tiden och ljuset
2009 Avkrokar
2019 Låt ögat söka fritt. Fabriken Bästekille

c/o Hammarskiöld
Tel. +46 70 402 98 18
Suzy Hammarskiöld
Vicky Hammarskiöld Spendrup
Richard Hammarskiöld
Tel. +46 70 917 72 97